Expanded Research Paper Incorporating Commentary on the Larger Issue
Project #6: Rhetorical Revision of Project #2 Memoir / Expanded Research Paper Incorporating Commentary on the Larger Issue Written About in the Memoir
Project #6 in your English 1301 course allows you to re-visit a paper you wrote months ago and to apply your growing skills as a researcher and as a critical thinker!
Assignment: Expand your Project #2 memoir paper by completing research on the larger issue touched upon in the narrative you crafted for your readers.
Use critical thinking and reflection. Be proud of your growth as a writer! You have perspective now; you have written THREE papers since you wrote your memoir and have had practice
incorporating more than TEN sources already this semester!
Decide how to organize your expanded essayfor example, with the research incorporated throughout, with the research expansion at the beginning, or with the research expansion at the end.
Be intentional; add the necessary transitions and content to establish your voice as a scholar who can combine the message of an important story with a commentary demonstrating critical
thinking and research on a larger issue.
??1) READ your Project #2 MEMOIR paper closely, thinking critically about the dominant impression you sought to create for your readers (use your rhetoric notes, too!).
??2) Create a ONE-PAGE T-chart with your story points on the LEFT and corresponding LARGER ISSUES on the RIGHT.
??3) Do RESEARCH: Find at least 5 sources on the LARGER ISSUE. You may use web-based articles, magazine and/or journal articles from Academic Search Complete (library website), books,
government documents, etc.
??4) Strategically ADD to your memoir in a way that enhances its message. Your final product must be at least 7 pages double spaced and must ethically use and accurately cite a minimum of 5
sources from your research in MLA documentation style.
Grading Criteria:
1) Evidence of revisions based on evaluation of P2.
2) Smoothly incorporated, ethically used, and accurately cited source materials, 5 minimum, in MLA documentation style, with an accurate Works Cited page.
3) A final commentary essay of at least 7 pages double spaced that demonstrates skills learned in English 1301 (effective introduction with a hook, pacing strategies, transitions, rhetorical
appeals, unified body paragraphs with wrap-up sentences, logical sequencing of ideas, awareness of audience, use of electronic databases for research, etc.)
4) Grammatically correct and interesting sentence structures.
5) Strong word choices and intentional phrasing/style