Examine one ‘terrorist’ organisation or movement, placing it within the context of terrorism studies.

Constructing Arguments
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Examine one ‘terrorist’ organisation or movement, placing it within the context of terrorism studies.

Order Description

Examine one ‘terrorist’ organisation or movement, placing it within the context of terrorism studies.

The group I have chosen is the Tamil Tigers.


Please profile a single organisation/group that has been labelled ‘terrorist’.

How is it similar to other ‘terrorist’ groups; how is it different?

Provide a broad historical context for its emergence

If possible, identify a ‘trigger’ event associated with its emergence

Discuss its ideology, goals, and accomplishments

Identify its tactics, especially if those that differ from similar groups

What was the state response to this organisation?

Was that state response effective?

Place the organisation within the ‘what is terrorism’ debate. (Please make constant reference to terrorism theory).

Please utilise theory in regards to terrorism and international relations with a strong focus on the debate of defining terrorism.