May 28, 2020
Gender selection in human embryos
May 28, 2020

ew industrial revolution

hi, here is the references you will need in my paper.
1.Explainingthefuture.com. (2014). 3D printing (the new industrial revolution). Retrieved from http://www.explainingthefuture.com/3dp_book.html
2.Hall, R. (1986). The relation between price and marginal cost in US industry. Retrieved from: http://www.nber.org/papers/w1785.pdf
3.Madden, S. (2013).United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, DC 2054. Annual Report
4.Yan, B. and Roberts, M. (1985). Measuring Quality Change in Quota-constrained import markets. The Case of U.S. Footwear. Journal of International Economics 21 (1986) 45-60. North-Holland
5.Zeeshan, H. (2014).Stepping down: Import penetration will stifle demand, forcing operators to change strategies. IBISWorld Industry Report
6.Zeeshan, H. (2014). Stepping down: Low-cost imports and a poor economic outlook will hurt the industry. IBISWorld Industry Report