Order Description
Please use the assignment remit as a guide in the attached file.
Check quote in assignment remit and write an individual essay which analyses the quote and addresses the nature and profile of the event industry, examining current trends and issues.
identify the purposes events serve, exploring the categorization of events and different event typologies. after that compare events utilisation by different industry sectors (public, private and voluntary) either independently or in
collaboration. finally, outline and discuss the types of impacts events can generate. either positive or negative.
BA & FdA Events Management
Module Title Module Code
The Events Industry 341
Assignment Title Level
The Significance of the Events Industry 4
Note the deadline for Full time students is 16.00hrs and for registered part time students 19.00hrs for part time students (UK time).
This assignment should be submitted electronically via UCB Online.
Access the relevant module site in UCB Online and visit the Assignments’ section. Here you will find the submission link you will need to use in order to submit your assignment (see View Assignment’ link in the example
IMPORTANT! It is your responsibility to ensure you submit the correct piece of work/file and that you submit it to the correct submission point. You can identify the correct submission point by the period in which you are
required to submit it and by assessment. For example the submission point for Semester 1 Coursework 1 will appear as S1 CW1 as in the example below.
You should aim to submit your assignment 24 hours before the deadline.
Work submitted via alternative methods e.g. email will NOT be accepted.
You are strongly advised to take advantage of the ability to submit multiple times before the deadline. This will enable you to test and familiarise yourself with the submission procedure so that you can resolve any problems
before the actual assignment Due date.
Once the due date has passed, you can only submit your assignment if you have not already made a submission. Each subsequent submission will overwrite a previous submission and therefore the most recent file submitted will
be the one that is marked.
Post Date:
Friday 6th February 2015
Extenuating Circumstances Frontispiece Assignment Key
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Module Learning Outcomes
This assignment allows students the opportunity to research and analyse the events industry. Within the assignment, students must therefore demonstrate they have met the following learning outcomes:
1 Identify different types and categories of events and the purposes they serve.
2 Distinguish the different characteristics of event services available and identify the key aspects of the events market.
3 Understand the economic, political, social and developmental impacts that events can deliver
Assignment Remit
According to Fox et al. (2014, p.9),
The events industry has a long history dating back to religious and other celebratory festivals and events, but it is really only in the latter part of the twentieth century that it has been recognised as an industry in its own right,
needing professional management to ensure its success.
Students are required to write an individual essay which analyses the above quote and addresses the following tasks within their discussion:
¢ Explore the nature and profile of the event industry, examining current trends and issues
¢ Identify the purposes events serve, exploring the categorisation of events and different event typologies
¢ Compare events utilisation by different industry sectors (Public, Private and Voluntary) either independently or in collaboration
¢ Outline and discuss the types of impacts events can generate.
This assignment should be in the form of an individual essay.
Electronic Format Required.
Please submit one Word document file containing your 2,000 word essay.
Acceptable Turnitin submission file formats:
¢ The file size of text only assessments (i.e. contains no graphical content) must be less than 2MB.
¢ Your assignment should be submitted as a word document i.e. MS Word (.doc, .docx) file
2,000 words
Grading Criteria
UCB’s Generic Grading Criteria for HE work at Level 4 apply to this assignment.
In addition, you are required to consider the following guidance points which are there to help you structure an effective piece of work.
A good quality assignment will comprehensively discuss key aspects of the events industry including event typologies and classifications, the diverse nature of events markets’ and the importance of stakeholders in the event
management process.
Extensive theory in the form of supporting references and relevant industry examples should be utilised throughout.
Guidance on essay and report writing is available under Academic Matters’ in your Student Handbook. In addition, note the presentation standards specified in the Student Handbook concerning margins, font and layout.
Please note that this assignment is an individual piece of work and should represent your own individual effort. College policy in case of plagiarism will apply.
In preparation for your final submission Turnitin facilitates the submission of draft work which you can self-check using the originality function. This matching software is useful to use to ensure that you have appropriately
acknowledged/ referenced the sources used.