Evaluate the status of Fayol’s ideas today — i.e. are they generally valid, totally rejected, or what?

July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020

Evaluate the status of Fayol’s ideas today — i.e. are they generally valid, totally rejected, or what?

1. The ideas of Henri Fayol enjoyed a renaissance in the modern era. Then, some other interpretations of what managers did emerged. Identify at least 3 other studies of managerial work and what was found. Evaluate the status of Fayol’s ideas today — i.e. are they generally valid, totally rejected, or what?

2. From a historical perspective, review briefly different ideas on job/work design. Identify contributors and their ideas. Conclude with a current assessment of the status of our knowledge about job/work design.

3. From a historical perspective, review briefly the different views of motivation. Identify contributors and their ideas and conclude with a critique of the present status of motivation theory.

4. Using a historical perspective, review briefly the evolving notions about ethical management/leadership. Identify contributors as necessary and conclude with a current evaluation of leadership ideas today.

5. Different individuals have reached different conclusions about the nature and exercise of authority. With history as your guide, identify some of these and examine each as to its usefulness. Conclude with an expression of your understanding of authority as it relates to management and to leadership.

6. Discuss the pros and cons of social responsibility and ethical behavior for business. Assuming you are the CEO of a multinational enterprise, draft a statement you would like to see adopted as your corporate code of behavior.