Evaluate the effect of an acid on enzymatic activity

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Evaluate the effect of an acid on enzymatic activity

The goal of this project is for you to evaluate the effect of an acid on enzymatic activity. As part of this assignment, you must identify your source of enzyme and the acid used. As you work though this project, you must also make sure that the following questions/points are addressed:
1. What question are you asking? Clearly state your hypothesis.
2. Design an experiment. Provide a detailed account of the materials and methods used to conduct the experiment. Also include the methods for data collection and analysis.
3. Conduct the experiment and record your results below. What did you observe? Which samples showed bubbling?
4. Use your knowledge about factors that effect enzymatic activity to interpret your results. It may be necessary for you to refer to your lab manual and/or other resources. What effect did the acid have on the enzyme?
5. Was your hypothesis supported? What is your conclusion? Explain your answer.
6. Cite all references used to complete this Applied Project.