Evaluate Quartet New Generation “Cyber Girls” & “Still Life Academic Essay

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Evaluate Quartet New Generation “Cyber Girls” & “Still Life Academic Essay

1. URL of YouTube selected which is: ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IDDCzhky4U )
2. Name of artist or group.
3. Title of song.
4. Name of composer and/or arranger.
5. Number of people performing.
6. Instrumentation (for example piano, guitar, bass and drums).
7. If vocals, what classification of voice ranges.
8. Meter (for example “4/4”).
9. Tempo (for example “allegro”).
10. Beats per minute (for example 120 beats per minute). Free metronome available at:
11. Type of musical texture (for example “homophonic”).
12. Key (for example “major” or “minor).
13. Harmony (for example “consonant” or “dissonant”).
14. Musical style (for example “rock”, “jazz”, “folk” etc.).
15. Paper explaining why this piece of music is important to you. Why do you think this piece is significant and how do you personally relate to it.
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Posted on May 28, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions