Evaluate on how creative and practical the idea ofdoable eventis.

Automobile industry information
July 29, 2020
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July 30, 2020

Evaluate on how creative and practical the idea ofdoable eventis.

The PROGRAM may be of the your choosing, provided it falls within the following criteria:
Only one venue/space is needed
It is recommended that yours be an Inside Event (balconies, terraces, adjacent gardens may be used no parks or streets) note, this is because outside events are much more complex to plan; if you have your heart set on an outside event, you may do one, but understand the bar you are setting for yourself is much higher
Event length is recommended to be only one afternoon or one evening; definitely not more than one weekend
Minimum of 45 in attendance, maximum 2500
Please, no conferences or conventions. Consumer shows are acceptable, but again, these are more complex events.
Food and beverage must be included (may be served or as concession)
There must be a wow factor that will encourage people to remember the event. Occasionally this may be done by the quality of food, but for this assignment, it must go beyond this and include dcor, program SCHEDULE and/or content, setting, etc.
Weddings, wedding receptions, anniversary parties, quinceaneras, bar/bat mitzvahs, are not allowed, as there are special considerations for them which are not covered in this class. All material covered in this COURSE can be applied to such social event planning, but the goal in this course is to provide a broader base of knowledge; weddings and social events are more thoroughly covered in Social Events course.
Fundraising for Susan G. Komen Foundation is not permitted either, as each semester there are many of these think creative! Something new!

A strong emphasis should be given to creativity. This is worth 650 points, so obviously it is the big project of the course. Note that this is NOT an academic report this is a presentation for consideration by a client, and its format and design should reflect that. Material to be included:

o Proposal Cover page and overall package presentation (attractive front for proposal package) 25 points for cover page;
o Overall Attractiveness/Uniqueness of Proposal (proposals fight for attention; this is what sort of wow factor provided by your proposal &/or how it is delivered) 75 points for overall presentation professionalism, creativity, appropriateness, and quality)
o Business COVER LETTER in appropriate business format, with letterhead 50 points
o Specifications sheet just facts of what, where, why, when, who. Also included are a creativity clause and an expiration clause. 15 points
o Event Description event details written for sales, including pictures and attention to what about the event will give it the needed wow factor? 100 points
o Food and Beverage menu selections (this will be a part of the event description in most cases, and may include MENU suggestions and specialty drink suggestions) 25 points
o Illustration/floor plan to scale, showing not only space but the proposed set-up within that area 75 points
o Investment (Budget) This involves identifying all costs related to the proposed event, and the addition of your planning charges in one of several ways to be discussed in class. Note that this needs to be broken down in detailed fashion (i.e., a line item of dcor is not acceptable what items are being used to create the dcor? For lighting? For staffing? etc.) Dollar figures do NOT need to be assigned, but completeness and detail of what items and services need to be ACCOUNTED for is important. 150 points
o References (not in an academic sense, but attributing where pictures used in event proposal were obtained a critical element in actual proposals; otherwise, it appears that the photos used to support your concept are from previous events you have done; this can become a serious legal question. All that is needed is to identify each photo with the website from which it was obtained) 35 points.
o Overall Program Concept (is this a doable event? Is there an uniqueness to it to distinguish it from other, similar events?) 100 points NOTE: This is not a separate section of the proposal, but instead points awarded in an evaluation of how creative and practical the idea is)