Evaluate and analyze the arguments in presentation

Solution-Management chain intervened
April 28, 2020
STR 581/ STR 581 Capstone Final Examination, Part 3 (Perfect Answer)
April 28, 2020

Evaluate and analyze the arguments in presentation

Why do all the life forms other than man exist? Why are they all here?

Evaluate and analyze the arguments in Presentation: A Biblical Basis of Life’s Significance. Construct a single sentence of 40 words or less. Include within it four terse carefully crafted phrases that argue that life forms other than man are significant – they were worth creating. Start your sentence with the words:

“Life forms are significant because…”

Then tack on four phrases, separating each with a comma. Order your phrases such that the most important significance comes first and the least significant comes last. Your sentence – your work of art!