Ethics ; Project Management ­ Success Factors of Renewable Energy Entering Australia

September 29, 2020
minimum wage Request Order
September 29, 2020

Ethics ; Project Management ­ Success Factors of Renewable Energy Entering Australia

Ethics ; Project Management ­ Success Factors of Renewable Energy Entering Australia

Type: Action; Responded: No; Resolved:No;
5.5 Please clarify the data­collection aspect of the methodology. In particular, the Participant Information Sheet refers to participants being surveyed and later also

refers to interviews. The insurance application also refers to interviews and survey by questionnaire. However, the response here refers only to interviews with

project managers and gives no information about the duration or location of interviews. Also, the nature of the’Questionnaire’ attachment suggests that it may be

intended as a list of interview questions rather than being a survey instrument but its purpose should be clear rather than a matter for speculation. If it’s actually

a questionnaire and interviews are also to be conducted as a separate undertaking, please attach a list of proposed interview questions or, if unstructured or semi­

structured, outline the scope of the interviews.
Type: Action; Responded:No; Resolved:No;
5.4 This response doesn’t address the prompt. Please review and revise ­ the need for, and value of, the research should be clearly stated; in addressing the

aspect, please include relevant citations to entries in a reference list (and note that this should contain no more than 10 items; the current ‘References’ attachment

should be revised accordingly).
Type: Action; Responded:No; Resolved:No;
5.3 ‘Research questions’ are the things that a research activity is designed to explore/answer in order to achieve the research aims. This is not the same as the

questions to
be asked of participants in order to collect data that are subsequently used to answer the ‘research questions’. i.e. this response provides that latter, whereas the

former are required. Please amend.

Collection Method
Collection Method
Type: Action; Responded:Yes; Resolved:Yes;
Q67.1 ­ please change your response to ‘Yes’ as participants will be answering questions about their thoughts and opinions.
Type: Action; Responded:No; Resolved:No;
Q67.5 ­ please specify how you will analyse the data you collect from the interviews. That is, Excel is a program that is primarily a quantitative tool, whereas the

collected data are to be qualitative in nature so what, precisely, will you do with those data in order to answer the research questions? (i.e. what qualitative

research methodology will you employ?)
Type: Action; Responded:No; Resolved:No;
67.1.2 This means describe the nature of the information, not the method of collection. If the intent is to refer to an attachment, then please specify that (bearing

in mind that at this stage there is a lack of clarity about how the ‘Questionnaire’ document is to be used);otherwise, please amplify the response.