Provide an overview of the organisation – structure, culture, mission & vision and ethical business practices.
Identify the ethical business strategies implemented by this organisation from the perspectives of stakeholder interests at a national and international level. How effective are they in helping to achieve the overall objectives of the organisation?
Identify the offensive/defensive strategy of the organisation – effects of ethical branding and corporate reputation. Has there been a cultural/ethical shift within the organisation? If so identify why. Are they perceived as genuine or a marketing initiative?
Examine the effectiveness of the TBL reporting, perceived transparency and accountability of the organisation.
Evaluate the impact that foreign social norms and standards have on international business – for example this may include labour rights/standards.
Assess the cradle to grave process. Include a LCA (lifecycle assessment of the product). Highlight at least three recommendations that could be made in order to increase the sustainability of the product.
Analyse the potential legal responsibilities and issues of ethical compliance for this organisation.
Summarise the overall effectiveness of the organisations’ business ethics strategy (Transparency/ accountability/benefits of a TBL/offensive/defensive/LCA/ethical consumerism/branding).
Outline how the organisation’s strategies could be improved, providing at least two references to other organisations that set the precedent for effective business ethics in this field.
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Posted on May 2, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions