genetically modified seeds
August 8, 2020
John Calhoun’s Address to the People of the United States and Fort Hill Address
August 8, 2020

Ethics and Poverty

From your research you know that there are a number of government programs that are available to help those in need. From food to housing to assistance with job training, the government spends money helping its citizens who are in less than desirable conditions. The governments view is that it is there to help those in need and through its programs. This, the government hopes, will lead to a reduction of those who are in poverty, are hungry, or are homeless.
However, the answer to what is the right thing to do in terms of the governments role in providing for citizens and citizens own individual rights varies by according to the ethical perspective. The three ethical perspectives we discuss in the class are the political philosophies of Utilitarianism, Libertarianism, and Egalitarianism.
In this paper you are charged with applying each of these perspectives to the governments role in providing for citizens. You should discuss each perspective and what it would say about the government (i.e., taxpayer dollars) providing for those in need through government programs (i.e., SNAP, housing supplements, WIC, etc.).