Ethical Decision making in human services.

selection procedure
August 3, 2020
Arguably, both Walter Benjamin and Susan Stewart see some positive potential within mass culture for a creative, self-productive, even liberatory rela
August 3, 2020

Ethical Decision making in human services.

1. Discuss the steps in the decision making process including: defining the problems, gathering reqired information and prespetive, assessing gathered information and perspectives, making a decission, acting, and, reflecting on and evaluating the decision made.
2. Discuss the role of value and the importance of crital thinking in the decision making process.
3. Evaluate the potential impact of the absence of a reflective, ethical framwork within which to make decisions.
4. Discuss the ethical guidelines, standards, professional/leagal responsibities associated with human services (NOHS) and other professional bodies in the helping profession.
5. Define and discuss professional issues associated with values, morales, and principles as they relate to clients/staff boundaries, and client rights.