Ethical Decision Making: Ethical practise 35 % Complete after Modules 4 A& B
The purpose of this assignment is to support the analysis and application of ethical theory to ethical practise. The entire paper length is 10-12 pages. Use sub- headings to delineate the sub-sections of the ethical decision-making framework and other moral processes, such moral identity, agency, context, distress and integrity.
1. Apply Oberle and Raffin Bouchal’s ethical decision-making framework to an ethical dilemma and/ or challenging ethical situation in your practise, answering the key questions on pages 70 and 71 of this reading.
2. Describe how your moral identity impacted your moral agency in this ethical dilemma.
3. Analyze and describe the attributes of your moral agency in this situation; and include any attributes that in hindsight may have supported a more effective ethical outcome as needed.
4. Analyze how the context of practise constrained and/or supported your moral agency.
5. Describe any moral distress you experienced, including signs and symptoms.
6. Describe if and how your moral integrity was restored either at the time or in hindsight.
7. Critically reflect on your most significant learning about ethical practise from writing this paper.
Evaluation criteria
The successful assignment will:
1. Effectively apply Oberle and Raffin Bouchal’s ethical decision-making framework to an ethical dilemma and/or challenging ethical situation.
2. Describe how your moral identity including personal and professional values, impacted the outcome of this event.
3. Describe the attributes of your moral agency and reflect on any you would like to further develop.
4. Analyze how the context of your practise supported and/ or constrained your ethical practise.
5. Analyze and describe any morally distressing aspects of the dilemma.
6. Demonstrate critical, reflective thinking about your learning about ethics in writing this paper.
7. Demonstrate appropriate academic writing, including use of relevant course literature and other sources to support your points, succinct writing style, and APA format.