Estimate the height of objects that are not easily measured.
Step 1: Construct the clinometer.
Get an index card, straw, string, clear tape, and a paper clip.
Print out the clinometer template from the last page. There are four of them just in case.
Cut out the clinometer as straight as possible and tape it to the top right corner of the index card.
Cut the straw so that its length is a little longer than the index card width.
Cut the string about a length of 12 inches, insert it in the straw so that it comes through the other end.
Tie the paper clip to the end of the string. The paper clip should hang at least an inch past the index card.
Fasten the string over the straw with tape so it is secure and will not slide through the straw.
Step 2: Use the clinometer to calculate the objects? height.
1) Find three objects that you wish to measure and write them in your table.
2) Measure the distance from the object to the point you will use the clinometer. Using chalk may help.
3) Look through the straw in the clinometer so that the object is centered in the ?O? of the straw.
4) Have your partner record the angle from the clinometer. If you are doing the measurements by yourself. Be sure to stabilize the string and then hold it down with a finger so you can read the measurement.
5) Using right triangle trigonometry, you can now calculate the object?s height.
Step 3: Interpret your calculations.
1) Does the calculation you found make sense? Is the estimate just right, too high or too low?
2) Are there any factors that affected your calculation?