Estimate the diameter of the field

Find the independent variable of the experiment
April 23, 2020
An accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity
April 24, 2020

Estimate the diameter of the field

Question: If you analyze the diameter of the field of view for the 4X objective lens of a compound microscope with 10X oculars as 4.5 mm, what is the diameter of the field of view for the 100X objective lens? What is the magnification of a speciment viewed with the 100X objective. I got an answer of 0.45mm, is it right?

Question: One shot of whiskey in the US is 44 ml and is absorbed by the average human within 1 hour. The small intestine accounts for ~75% of this absorption. Calculate the rate of absorption for a 1 cm^2 patch of small intestine assuming the total surface area of a human small intestine is typically 200 m^2. Describe the complications with this calculation, based on the anatomy of the GI tract in a human and one way you might experimentally determine this result.