Estimate required ecf concentration

Solution-Description of the communicable disease
April 5, 2020
Describe how the drug works to return body to homeostasis
April 5, 2020

Estimate required ecf concentration

Suppose if ICF (K+) ion concentration is 165 mM, what ECF (K+) concentration is required for the condition of no net passive flux of K+ across the membrane at Vm = – 66 mV? 
12. The concentration of carbon at 1 mm into the surface of the titanium slab is 0.25 kg/m3 and at 3 mm the concentration is 0.68 kg/m3. The temperature of the carburizing environment is 925 degrees Celsius, and the rate at which carbon is entering this 2 mm thick region is 1.27 x 10-9 kg/(m2s). What is the diffusion coefficient for this particular treatment?