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Essay Topic: Academic Essay

Consider some ongoing social harm, which could be seen to have either political causes or potential political solutions, and explain how John Rawls might apply his theory (of distributive justice, recognition, or democracy) to that social harm (you can use his works for reference, such as Justice as Fairness). Then, give at least two clear and convincing arguments either in favor of or against the view that that the philosopher’s theory can effectively address that social harm.

Some Notes:

Make sure the paper has a clear thesis (a main claim, for which you will try to present convincing arguments). The thesis might go something like this: “I will argue that _____’s conception of _______ fails to explain either what is wrong with _____ or what can be done about it.” Or it might go something like this: “Although ________ proposes a way to address ______, he does not explain ______, and therefore his theory fails to offer the guidance to policymakers or citizens about how to find a solution to the problem.” These are only examples. The main requirement, though, is to have a clear thesis, and to defend it with strong arguments.

Besides a thesis and at least two convincing arguments, it is also necessary to include substantial exposition of the views of the philosopher under consideration. (For the purpose of this essay, try to keep explanations of the social issue itself to a minimum, because the philosophical content needs to predominate.)

LENGTH: 2000-2500 words


Sources should be cited using (Author Date, p.), like this: (Smith 1999, p. 101). A list of Works Cited should be included at the end, using a “Chicago Style” format.

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Posted on May 18, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions