Our most recent readings have been short stories with astonishing (and very creepy) endings. But what exactly makes these stories so effective?For your third essay, youll be writing a cause/effect essay. This kind of paper finds its central idea in establishing causal relationships. The relationship you are going to examine is between authors techniques and the effects/emotions they raise in their readers. You will need a carefully thought-out argument, supported by specific examples and some research into horror or ghosts.Your thesis/central idea should sum up your conclusions about the relationship between the techniques of the authors and their readers reactions, and should focus on either causes or effects. E.g. a central idea focusing on effects might be something like this: The authors strongest technique is to plant a clue and let the readers draw the (correct) conclusions. In that case, you would use the technique as the cause, and spend more time in paragraphs that explored the various effects created.
Or, a central idea focusing on causes might be something like this: Horror stories rely more on misdirection, suggestions, and clues than direct descriptions and statements. In that case, you would use the readers reaction as the cause, and spend more time in paragraphs that explored how that effect is generated in telling the stories.
A third option is to argue that, although the authors technique have an effect on the readers reactions, other factors are involved in heightening the readers experience.
PRELIMINARY RESEARCH: You must include some research in this paper. You will be doing a library research exercise and so should have located an acceptable website, a peer-reviewed article, a book, and a magazine article on horror, ghosts, and our fascination with horror and ghost stories. Find something in one of these pieces to start your paper perhaps an attitude, a reference, a quotation.You will need at least four sources of information accurately documented in MLA format in your Works Cited List. None of these sources can be an encyclopedia.INTEGRATE YOUR RESEARCH IN THE PAPER: You must refer to your research in the body of the paper. However, you cannot quote directly. Instead, you must PARAPHRASE and give an accurate MLA parenthetical with a Works Cited List at the end. You must introduce the material in your paper with an appropriate signal phrase see the Handbook.ABOUT YOUR PAPER 5-6 paragraphs (2-3 pages, double-spaced, typed)
Make your title interesting have an appropriate central idea.
Be concise. Strong intro and conclusion.
Have an argument that begins with your thesis/central idea and is borne out by the topic sentences.
Use documented research to support your ideas see above.
Use detailed examples to prove your point. FIRST DRAFT in class for Peer Review: Wednesday November 13th
Hand in revised FIRST DRAFT with detailed sentence outline and copy of one source on Friday November 15th.
FINAL DRAFT DUE with other materials on Monday November 25th with outline, marked drafts, copy of source, and final version).