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May 27, 2020
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May 27, 2020

Epigenetics Journal #1

Topic: GCST2614 Journal

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Epigenetics €“ Journal #1
The film The Ghost in Your Genes’ investigates the issue of epigenetics and provides evidence to suggest that heritable

changes in genetics can be caused by factors other than underlying DNA sequences such as life experiences and environmental

changes. There is an idea that genes have a memory’ where the lives and experiences of our ancestors can directly affect our

own lives, despite never living through the experiences ourselves. If we consider that environmental influences and choices

of one generation can be inherited in subsequent generations then this would have implications for the ethics and morality of

our choices and the ways in which we perceive our bodies and practices.

Epigenetics suggests that the choices we make concerning our lifestyle and habits could also affect our grandchildren. In

turn, issues concerning the morality and legality of our choices would be raised. If we know that our choices have direct

bearing on diminishing the quality of future lives and the potential of causing disabilities then it can be suggested that we

have a responsibility to not cause future harm to others. It is immoral for us in society to directly cause harm to others

around us and certainly illegal for one to inflict a disability on another. If the practices we engage in cause potential

harm and health deficits to our future generations, it may also be considered that we are deliberately inflicting harm on


Studies have shown fathers who smoke have heavier average weighted sons compared to fathers who don’t smoke (Rothstein, Cai &

Merchant, 2009, p.11). This has implications on the rise in obesity within society which may be linked to rises in smoking

and an increase in generations who have parental smokers. Because these weight effects were gendered towards males, our

influences on lifestyle choices may be gender specific. This may lead us to view ourselves and practices differently. A new

stigma may be attached to smoking that may greatly change the ways in which we view people who smoke. The practice of smoking

may no longer be seen as more acceptable for men compared to women and instead these views may be switched around. It may

also be be more harshly looked down upon as not only are there detrimental health effects to the smoker themselves but also

to others.  If one chooses to engage in various practices that are known to cause harm to future generations, then there are

also moral issues concerning whether it is ethical for one to bear offspring.

There may also be the possibility for current generations to seek legal action against previous generations if their current

disorders or health issues can be linked back to the past generations. There may also be greater legal responsibility towards

groups such as farmers in regards to spraying chemicals on crops as this may have environmental effects that may cause future

health issues. Thus our perceptions on diseases, family relationships and the importance of lifestyles will be greatly

altered as our choices cannot only concern ourselves.