Developmental Curriculum Paper Custom Essay
March 25, 2020
public speaker
March 25, 2020


Prepare and submit a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper based on your clinical research of epidemiology. When selecting a population and disease, be aware that you need access to this population to present the Teaching Project Brochure in Week Six. Discuss potential groups with your facilitator and contacts you make at community or public health settings in your area. Select one population and one disease of interest from the following lists:

• Vulnerable populations

o Infants, children, or youth at risk
o Teens
o Homeless
o Elderly
o Mentally ill
o Immigrants or migrants
o Victims of violence

• Diseases for these populations might include the following:

o Viral infections

• Influenza
• Human papilloma virus
• Hepatitis

o Chronic illness

• Diabetes
• Cancer
• Heart disease
• Obesity

o Other

• Pregnancy
• Drug use

Discuss the following as related to your chosen topic:

• Definition and description of epidemiology
• Steps and methods of epidemiology

o Review routine data (demographic, census, birth, death, and surveillance records)
o Review research data (medical and health records)
o Review epidemiological data (surveys specific to your topic)

• Epidemiological triangle
• Explain the type of epidemiology used for your topic (descriptive or analytical).
• Describe the relationship of the disease to various levels of prevention.
• Include at least eight references.