Environmental Management Academic Essay

Major Research Paper Academic Essay
August 14, 2020
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August 14, 2020

Environmental Management Academic Essay

First of all you need to establish what is the most significant environmental issue you need to tackle. For doing this you need to establish a clear diagnosis, including the calculation of your carbon footprint; the identification of your daily routines in relation to how much energy, water, food waste you consume. For doing this you need to implement the following tools:
D1. Carbon footprint This is a simple calculation of the amount of CO2 (normally in kilograms or tons) that you produce in your house. https://www.carbon-calculator.org.uk/
D2. Pictures Analysis You need to produce a picture book showing what are your routines regarding energy use. Picture your routine and if possible your housemates’ routines regarding energy use. You could do it for example before going to bed, or early in the morning: what do you leave switched on, what do you switch off. You need to analyse what you saw and include the pictures or link to the video in the appendix. If you are photographing your flatmates you need to ask permission to include them, instead, you can “obscure” them.
D3 Eco- mapping Based on the eco-mapping you need to comment on the main environmental significant aspects and how you will be addressing them. https://www.ecotoolkit.eu/ecomapping.php.
D4. Analysis You need to include information about the context, national data on energy consumption, relevant studies on how families, students, or young people are engaged with environmental issues.

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Posted on May 3, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions