Environmental Issue Project – Reference List

Environmental Issue Project – Reference List

Environmental Issue Project – Reference List
Submit a reference list showing your research for the Environmental Issues Project. The reference list should have a minimum of 8 sources and follow the APA format.
You reference list can include citations from articles, your textbook, books, magazines, interviews, the Internet, etc. Make sure that the list is in alphabetical

You are also in possesion of the project intro

Please inlude this reference as one of the 8:

Wright, Richard T., Boorse, D. F. (2017). Environmental Science: Toward A Sustainable Future, 13th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from

Global Warming – Man Made or Natural
Author’s Note:
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the two-sided debate of Global Warming Man Made or Natural. Written for Instructor Professor, on the date 26 July, 2016 course
G328, Human Uses of the Environment.

Title of your research (i.e Global warming: Fact or fiction)

The Controversy (please keep this heading for rough draft and final)
: Identify the controversy
Go into detail on what the two sides are and what you plan to research
(minimum one page you can remove this part once you have your one page minimum)
Yellow HIGH light part can be removed once you have your research and information

The Major Players (please keep this heading for rough draft and final)
• (minimum one page)
• Who is involved? Why are they involved?
• Go into detail on all the players involved in both sides of this debate
Yellow HIGH light part can be removed once you have your research and information

Important Facts:
• (minimum one page)
• State relevant facts concerning the issue. Try to separate fact from opinion. Try not to show your own bias. Properly use APA citations
• Yellow HIGH light part can be removed once you have your research and information

Side One: (please keep this heading for rough draft and final)
• (minimum one page)
• Arguments; state briefly and cite your sources
Yellow HIGH light part can be removed once you have your research and information

Side Two: ((please keep this heading for rough draft and final))

• Arguments; state briefly and cite your sources
• HIGH lighted part can be removed once you have your research and information

Your Opinion and Rationale (please keep this heading for rough draft and final))

• : (minimum one page)
• I believe that…, We should…, I feel that… Use supporting arguments and
• rationale. What arguments would you use to present to those who disagree with you? Cite all of your sources.
• This is where you can tell me which side you agree with and why
• HIGH lighted part can be removed once you have your research and information

• Alphabetize your sources. Make sure there are sources representing both sides of the issue.
Your references must match your intext citations

Examples of how I want your references done
Lamb, G. (2005, September 27). Science and politics: a dangerous mix. Christian Science Monitor, 97(213), 11-13. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from Academic Search Premier
Link to article
Pielke Jr., R. (2006, Spring2006). When Scientists Politicize Science. Regulation, 29(1), 28-34. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from Business Source Complete database.
Link to article
Author last name is always first (this is how they are put in order)
Date of publication
Name of article and publication
From where it was retrieved and the link
Also consider the Documentary “An Inconvinient Truth” as a source.

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