Environment and Infrastructure

Choreography Intrinsic and Extrinsic
May 16, 2020
Topic: Overall Project Portfolio Success
May 16, 2020

Environment and Infrastructure

Order Description

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Critical Evaluation of an Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Statement and the planning for infrastructure and environmental protection and enhancement.
There is a selection of EIA environmental statements for major infrastructure projects under the assignment section of the module blackboard site. Select the Environmental Statement of the proposed development which is of most interest to you.
Focus on the following sections of the Environmental Statement as the basis for the assignment:
€¢ the development of the design of the scheme
€¢ the consideration of alternatives
€¢ the topic chapters on either landscape impact or biodiversity.
The relevant chapters for each Environmental Statement are specified along with the link to the document.
Using both academic material and theory and your chosen environmental statement:
Part 1. Discuss the extent to which environmental considerations have shaped the planning and design of the development proposed. This should include a consideration of the extent to which:
€¢ environmental considerations were integrated into the design process
€¢ environmental gains have resulted from the development
€¢ trade offs have been made to the benefit of the environment (this needs to include a discussion of any competing environmental priorities)
€¢ trade offs have been made to the benefit of the development or other considerations.
This is worth 50% of the module marks
2. In the light of your assessment of this Environmental Statement and background reading on planning for infrastructure, planning for environmental protection and enhancement, Environmental Policy Integration and EIA, how well is the system for planning for major infrastructure in the UK set up for the delivery of infrastructure and environmental protection / enhancement?
This is worth 50% of the module marks
Reading and Research
Though this assessment is in the form of a professional document focusing on a real life EIA both parts of the assignment require you to demonstrate a high level of academic reading and research to inform the development of your work.