Enterprise Network Optimization Project

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October 6, 2020
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October 6, 2020

Enterprise Network Optimization Project

Write a 8-page essay in Times New Roman, 12 point with headers, title page, and reference page (title page and reference page are not counted together with the 8-page essay) in which you detail the following:

-Create a diagram that includes the following: Displays the topology diagram for Facebook organization. Include routers, firewalls, network servers, switches, wireless devices (phone, tablet, laptop, etc. and any of the basic network connection hardware.) Diagrams your IP address. (Calculate and add your IP ranges and subnets onto your diagram.)
-Provide an analysis of the technology presented in your diagram (explain hardware placement and hardware device choices such as switching & routing choices, topology choice, and overall infrastructure design decisions).
-Apply basic load-balancing techniques as an effort to ensure network availability.
-Identify the IP address strategy and calculate the associated subnets. Be sure to explain your IP addressing strategy as well.
-Identify and describe at least 3 wireless standards that play a role within your network.
-Describe the role of network management.
-Identify and describe at least three tools used for network management.
-Identify and describe at least three tools used to monitor network performance.
-Describe the role that remote access plays in managing a network.
-Describe a strategy for managing your company’s network infrastructure.
-Explain techniques and strategies for maintaining high availability on a network.
– Include a section in your paper that identifies the steps that you took to ensure that your network will succeed internationally. How do you address globalization in your network design?

Number of resources: More than 5 resources required and citations MUST BE formatted according to APA 6th edition style and formatting. Make sure that the paper is professionally written, free of grammar and spelling errors, and that APA formatting is cited to each paragraph.
Length of paper: 8 pages (title page and reference page are not counted together with the 8-page essay).
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.