Employment laws that protect the employee or the employer with respect to use of the internet at work.
July 29, 2020
Determine what the main criteria are, create a comparison to evaluate each one, and explain how they compare to each other.
July 29, 2020

English point of view essay

Project description
1. Pleasant/Unpleasant Description of the Place: Choose a place you can observe for an extended period of time (at least 20-30 minutes). Use all of your senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, even taste if possible) to experience the place, and record all of the sensations that you experience. As you record your data, you may wish to note which details naturally seem more positive, negative, or neutral, in terms of tone. (For instance, a stinky and overflowing trash barrel swarming with flies in a nearby alley might seem more inherently negative than a little white bunny rabbit hopping playfully across the lawn.) Then, you will use this information to help your write descriptions of the place: one positive, one negative. Both descriptions should be factually true (same real time and real place), but you will want one description to be positive in terms of tone and the other to be negative. In addition to including the information and sensory details youve collected as the basis for these descriptions, you will also use the Writers Toolbox to create your two contrasting impressions for this assignment. (The Writers Toolbox is explained in the Lecture Notes section of this unit.) As you revise and refine your descriptions, please be sure you are showing your readers your place (really putting the readers there in the moment and in this scene), rather than simply telling them about it. You will also want to try to eliminate unnecessary linking verbs as much as you can, incorporating verbs that show action whenever possible.
2. Rhetorical Analysis: Looking back at your descriptions, analyze how you created these two very different impressions of the place (one positive, one negative) without changing any of the facts. How did you make your place seem so positive in one paragraph and yet so negative in the other paragraph, without changing the facts? Discuss how you incorporated each of the tools from the Writers Toolbox, and cite examples of this from each of your descriptions. (This analysis should be at least 400-500 words in length.)
3. Reflection: In one to two paragraphs, cnsider at least one of the following questions: What have you learned about writing through this assignment? How might you apply this knowledge? Has this process of using the Writers Toolbox affected your vision of various information mediafor instance, television and print news sources, magazines, etc.? If so, how so?
Again, we will be working on the rhetorical analysis in Unit 3 and the Reflection in Unit 4. For this unit, however, you will want to draft the first portion of this paper, the positive and negative descriptions of your place.