english literature assignment 2

March 30, 2020
Dean, John Wiggins – director, Library services and Quality Improvement, Danuta A, Nitecki – Dean of Libraries
March 31, 2020

english literature assignment 2

there are two readings i am attached below, which is: Rupert Brooke, “The Soldier”, and Thomas Hardy, “Drummer Hodge”.

the question for the assignment is :

How similar is “The Soldier” to “Drummer Hodge”?

Please note: there is not a correct answer to this question. Rather, you should give the question some thought, decide on your response, and then present the best evidence you have in favor of your position. The focal point of your argument should be “The Soldier,” but you should be sure to include a brief discussion of “Drummer Hodge” in order to make your case about how similar (or not) “The Soldier” is to it.