October 22, 2020
ACCT1048 Financial accountability and Reporting
October 22, 2020


Detailed outline


Title: The relationship between engines and pollution


Thesis: Because of development of technology, engines are elevated a lot than before. Even thought engines brought huge pollution in the past, today’s engines release less exhaust than before. In addition, there are many other ways to reduce exhaust polluting the air. Thus, the situation of pollution resulting in engines is much better nowadays. Furthermore, there are many brand new ideas and concept engines, so engines will no longer be the main reason of pollution.


1. Introduction

a. Describe the relationship between engines and pollution and when they started

b. Thesis: Because of development of technology, engines are elevated a lot   than before. Even thought engines brought huge pollution in the past, today’s engines release less exhaust than before. In addition, there are many other ways to reduce exhaust polluting the air. Thus, the situation of pollution resulting in engines is much better nowadays. Furthermore, there are many brand new ideas and concept engines, so engines will no longer be the main reason of pollution.


2. Engines in the past

  1. States the reason why human beings invented engines and when engines were invented
  2. Describes how engines were developed through out human being’s history
  3. Describes different types of engines in the past
  4. States how engines in the past polluted the air


3. Engines nowadays

  1. Describes different types of engines nowadays
  2. Compares different types of engines nowadays. (What are their

advantages and disadvantages.)

  1. States the relationship between pollution and engines nowadays
  2. Describes other ways of reducing pollution besides improving engines


4. Engines and pollution

  1. Compares the relationship of engines and pollution between the past and nowadays.
  2. Describes how this relationship changes from past till now


5. Engines in the future

  1. Describes how engines will become in the future by providing some brand new ideas and concept engines
  2. Describes the relationship between engines and pollution in the future if human beings use these concept engines


6. Conclusion

a.    Summarizes arguments

b.   Restates thesis: Because of development of technology, engines are elevated a lot   than before. Even thought engines brought huge pollution in the past, today’s engines release less exhaust than before. In addition, there are many other ways to reduce exhaust polluting the air. Thus, the situation of pollution resulting in engines is much better nowadays. Furthermore, there are many brand new ideas and concept engines, so engines will no longer be the main reason of pollution.





1. Introduction


2. Engines in the past

  1. Reasons why human beings invented engines
  2. The phylogeny of engines
  3. Different types of engines in the past
  4. Pollution resulting in engines in the past


3. Engines nowadays

  1. Current types of engines
  2. Comparison between different types of engines
  3. Pollution resulting in engines nowadays
  4. Ways of reducing pollution under engines


4. Engines and pollution

  1. Exact relationship between engines and pollution
  2. How the relationship changes from past till now


5. Engines in the future

  1. Engines in the future
  2. Engines and pollution in the future


6. Conclusion