Local time Attention
October 12, 2020
West Island Products (WIP) is a divisionalized furniture manufacturer
October 12, 2020


Question 1 (6 marks)

For an engineering project of your choice, identify 10 risks and use both qualitative and quantitative analysis to analyse the risks. Give an explanation of the choices made.

Question 2 (4 marks)

For the risks identified in Question 1, evaluate the 10 risks giving reasons for the evaluation choices made.
Question 3 (10 marks)

Work out the best way of treating the 10 risks identified in Question 1. Develop a detailed Risk Treatment Plan with options (two per risk), giving reasons for your treatment choices. Include a Significant Risk Treatment Plan for at least three of the 10 risks.
Reading Weeks 6 & 7

Read the following:
1. Chapter 1- 5 (pp123-148) of Heldman, Kim, (2005), Project Manager’s Spotlight on Risk Management, Harbor Light Press, San Francisco.

2. NZS HB 436:2004 Risk Management Guidelines, Standards New Zealand
pages 43-68.

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