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eng 102 homework help

eng 102 homework help
English 102, College Writing and Rhetoric
Syllabus?Fall 2016, Section 14


English 102 is an introductory composition course that focuses on strategies for critical reading, generating ideas for writing, planning and organizing material, and for revising and editing. The course prepares you for the demands of college reading and writing. We will focus on reading critically, writing with a main idea, and properly incorporating source material into your writing.

By the end of the course, a successful student should be able to…

1. Accurately assess and effectively respond to a wide variety of audiences and rhetorical situations.
2. Comprehend college-level and professional prose and analyze how authors present their ideas in view of their probable purposes, audiences, and occasions.
3. Present ideas as related to, but clearly distinguished from, the ideas of others (including the ability to paraphrase, summarize, and correctly cite and document borrowed material).
4. Focus on, articulate, and sustain a purpose that meets the needs of specific writing situations.
5. Explicitly articulate why they are writing, who they are writing for, and what they are saying.
6. Write critical analyses and syntheses of college-level and professional prose.
7. Be able to make the connection between questions and problems in your life both within and outside of college.
8. Gather and evaluate information and use it for a rhetorical purpose in writing a research paper.
9. Attend to and productively incorporate a variety of perspectives.
10. Develop flexible strategies for generating, revising, editing, and proofreading.
11. Understand writing as an open process that permits writers to use later invention and re-thinking to revise their work.
12. Give and receive constructive feedback from peers.
13. Use conventions of format and structure appropriate to the rhetorical situation and practice appropriate means of documenting their work.
14. Locate, evaluate, organize, and use research material collected from electronic sources, including scholarly library databases; other official databases (e.g., federal government databases); and informal electronic networks and internet sources.


Class Deadlines

Essays and writing assignments will have firm deadlines. Any late work will be given a zero in the gradebook (unless an extension is negotiated with me, face to face during my office hours). Of course, in-class work can be made up if said works occurs during an excused absence.

REQUIRED Textbook (available at the UI Bookstore)

? Ramage, Bean and Johnson, The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing, 7th edition.
? You will also be reading pieces selected by me, to be hosted on either BbLearn or UIdaho Library eReserve.


All essays will be submitted through the course BbLearn site. All assignment sheets and other course materials will also be posted in the BbLearn site.

In addition, all essays must also be turned in as hard copies during class on the day they are due. This is non-negotiable, as the hard copies are what I will mark and grade over the course of the semester. All feedback will be given on hard copies.


Attendance in English 102 is assumed and mandatory. Being present in class is the key to success in the course. More than six unexcused absences is grounds for total failure of the course. An excused absence is an official note specifying the days and reasons you were required to miss class. Excused absences must be in writing from an official such as a doctor or a university instructor or administrator (in the event of athletic events or field trips). Other absences will be excused at my discretion, with due notice before the absence occurs. You are responsible for making up all work you miss due to absences. It is not my responsibility to make sure you turn in your work. In fact, it just means I have less to grade.

Attendance means being physically present, coherent, and prepared. If you do not meet all of these conditions, you can be marked absent for the day. You are responsible for making up work that you miss.


Classroom citizenship. The classroom is a learning community. Be respectful of your fellow students and your instructor. If you have a problem with anything in the course, speak to me about it privately after class or meet me during my office hours. Disruptive behavior during class may result in expulsion from a class meeting or the entire course.

Technology. Hey, it?s 2015. Let?s just be honest about the issue of cell phones and other technology in the classroom. It?s tough to separate yourself from a device that serves the multi-function of phone, camera, computer, calculator, gaming device, etc. I don?t mind if you sneak a peek every now and then at your phone. Heck, I might from time to time too (I get a lot of emails). However, if phone use becomes a problem I am not afraid to bring in a bucket and have y?all deposit your phones in it at the beginning of each period. Tech use is a privilege in this classroom, so stay respectful.

Email etiquette. I welcome your emails and questions ? if you have questions about the course, your work, meeting times, etc., please contact me at the address listed. When you contact me, please treat it as a professional correspondence?your message should have a greeting, be written in complete sentences, and signed with your name at the bottom. Generally, you can expect a response during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8-5 PM). If you email me at midnight or on the weekends, do not expect a prompt reply.


My office hours and office number are listed above. Please feel free to stop by any time during my office hours, or email me and schedule an appointment if those times do not work for you.


Expect there to be no less than two (2) and no more than four (4) conference weeks during the semester where we will meet and discuss your work, the course, etc. These conferences are mandatory and will amount to three (3) absences if missed.


Major Writing Assignments

There will be four major writing assignments and a remediated research project.
? Analysis of a Pop Song
? TV Program Viewers? Guide
? Research Essay
? Public Remediation
Each of these papers will be assigned as the units arise, with a significant amount of time spent on explicating the purpose and grading of each essay. Likewise, the essay assignment documents will be hosted on BbLearn.
? Analysis of a Pop Song- For the purposes of this class, analysis and critical thinking regarding source texts is key. This assignment will guide us through the basic processes of close reading.
? TV Program Viewers? Guide- This paper will be a comprehensive guide to one of your favorite TV shows. Through this paper we will explore synthesis of reviews, summary, and analysis.
? Research Essay- A research paper. You will research a topic, synthesize information, and develop a paper suited to the type of research/topic you chose to engage. The back half of the semester will be geared towards this assignment.
? Research Remediation- This is an assignment meant to reframe your research in another form of delivery. We will discuss this more during the drafting process for your Research Essay.
Library Week
For the research portion of this class, we will spend a week in the UIdaho Library learning how to engage in proper research. There will be associated assignments and tasks specific to this week of class. DO NOT MISS LIBRARY WEEK. There will also be a bibliography assignment accompanying our Library activities.
Daily Assignments/Homework

This class requires you to maintain a writing journal. This will be used in class and out of class for writing prompts and essay development. The journal will be submitted to me at the end of each unit with your essay for grading. In addition to this, there will be assignments due each week on BbLearn.

Remediated Research Project

This part of the research project will be a move towards adapting your project into a different form of media. This is something that can be negotiated but will likely take the form of an infographic, poster, presentation, etc. The exercise is an attempt to understand the skills learned in this class as cross-disciplinary and applicable in different subjects/sites of learning.


Assignment Points
Pop Song 100
Journal/Blanket 1 50
Library Week 100
Journal/Blanket 2 50
TV Guide 100
Journal/Blanket 3 50
Research Paper 150
Journal/Blanket 4 50
Remediation Research Project 150
Journal/Blanket 5 50
Blanket Participation (4 Units, at 50 Points Per Unit) 200

If you withdraw from this course on or before Friday, September 17, nothing will appear on your transcript. If you stay registered for the course after that date, you will receive one of the following grades. Only the first three are passing grades.

A Represents achievement that is outstanding or superior relative to the level necessary to meet the requirements of the course. Exemplary and sophisticated.
B Represents achievement that is significantly above the level necessary to meet the requirements of the course. Remarkable.

Grades of A or B are honors grades. You must do something beyond the minimum required in order to earn an A or B.

C Represents achievement that meets the basic requirements in every respect. It signifies that the work is average, but nothing more. This is the baseline grade.
W Stands for Withdrawal. A W has no effect on your GPA, but you can have only 20 W credits during your time as an undergraduate at UI (about six courses).
N Stands for No Credit. A grade of N has no effect on your GPA, but it does mean that you need to take the course again. You will earn a grade of N if you have done all the work for the course and have made a good faith effort to complete all the assignments. Handing in just any piece of writing just to avoid getting an F will not meet these requirements.
F Stands for Failure. A grade of F has a negative effect on your GPA. If you fail to hand in any major writing assignment or do not make a good-faith effort to succeed at a major assignment, you will automatically earn an F. If your average grade is an N but you did not complete one of the major components of the course (one of the major papers of all of the homework assignments or drafts), you will automatically earn an F in the course. There is no reason for receiving an F in this course, unless you simply fail to submit the required work.
I Stands for incomplete. Under very unusual circumstances you could be assigned an Incomplete in the course if something happened to you within the last two weeks of the semester that made it impossible to complete the course (a serious accident or illness that left you hospitalized and very significant personal tragedy, etc).

Blanket/Contract Grading

Your work over the course will be evaluated with ?blanket? grades. Instead of firm-deadline ?prep? works, I will determine your grades during each unit through your journals and participation grade. This means you must 1) be in class, 2) participate regularly, 3) do your journal assignments, and 4) engage with reading materials and assignments. Any other requirements will be contracted/negotiated by the entire group, in-class, based on what the essay asks of you in terms of work. If you do not make an earnest effort to fulfill these requirements, do not expect satisfactory journal or participation grades.

Rough Drafts, Revision, and Peer Review

While rough drafts for these papers are not strictly required, if you may elect to submit a rough draft to be for comments and consideration. This will then take the place of 25 points of your total essay grade, leaving 75 points to your final draft. This can lead to a higher final grade for the essay grade in each unit. Revision is then a vital part of this process, and I encourage all of you to revise your work regularly. This will be a component of the peer review process?a task we will engage during constructive shorter assignments and papers, particularly during the research project.


All essays should be double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font (or equivalent), double spaced, and otherwise formatted according to MLA standards and citations.

Disability Support Services Reasonable Accommodations Statement

Reasonable accommodations are available for students who have documented temporary or permanent disabilities. All accommodations must be approved through Disability Support Services located in the Idaho Commons Building, Room 306 in order to notify your instructor(s) as soon as possible regarding accommodation(s) needed for the course.

Disability Support Services
Phone: 208-885-6307
Email: [email protected]

Policy on Plagiarism in English 102

At the University of Idaho, we assume you will do your own work and that you will work with your instructor on improving writing that is your own. Plagiarism?using someone else?s ideas or words as yours own without proper attribution–is a serious matter.
The Council of Writing Program Administrators defines plagiarism in the following way: ?In an instructional setting, plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately uses someone else?s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledg?ing its source. This definition applies to texts published in print or on-line, to manuscripts, and to the work of other student writers.? (From ?Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best Practices,?

Also, turning in work you have previously completed for another course?either an entire paper or significant portions of it?can also be considered an unethical use of your own work and can be considered a form of plagiarism worthy of reporting as an instance of academic dishonesty.

The consequences of plagiarism:eng 102 homework help

If evidence of plagiarism is found in student work in English 102, the instructor is empowered by Regulation 0-2 of the general catalog to assign a grade of F for the course, a penalty that may be imposed in particularly serious cases. In most cases of plagiarism, the instructor will also make a complaint to the Dean of Students Office, which is responsible for enforcing the regulations in the Student Code of Conduct. So in addition to the academic penalty of receiving an F in the course, you may also be subject to other disciplinary penalties, which can include suspension of expulsion. Although such severe penalties are rarely imposed for first-time offenders, the Dean of Students Office maintains disciplinary records as part of a student?s overall academic record.

Instructors may demonstrate that a paper involves plagiarism in two ways: 1) by identifying the source, and 2) by showing the discrepancy of style between previous papers and the paper I questions.

If a paper involves misuse of sources or other materials–which the CWPA defines as when a writer ?carelessly or inadequately [cites] ideas and words borrowed from another source?– the instructor may ask you to rewrite the paper, using correct forms of documentation.

When you need to use words or ideas from another person?whether an idea, a picture, a powerful statement, a set of facts, or an explanation?cite your source!