energy takes place behind the scenes

Teaching Cultural Diversity
May 26, 2020
ip5 strategic management of human assets
May 26, 2020

energy takes place behind the scenes

energy takes place behind the scenes

There is a lot of creative energy and effort that goes into being a Health Educator, as well as, into creating effective and useful Health Promotion actions. Much of this energy takes place behind the scenes €“ in one’s brain and heart. By becoming more aware of this process you may be able to create additional community health promotion projects in the future more mindfully, and with deeper understanding. The purpose of writing this formal paper for your CMHPP is for you to document your research, creative process, and what you learned while creating your CMHPP.

Another goal for this part of the CMHPP is for you to reflect on what you are learning and how you are learning. By raising your personal awareness of how you learn and create you may also find ways to increase your level of learning in other classes, and how to help other people develop similar insights and understanding.

A suggestion for completing the requirements for the formal paper is that you keep a journal or jot down notes as you work on your CMHPP. This may help you complete some of the following sections of the formal paper more easily.

€¢ Research
o Who are the stakeholders you want to work with and why?
o What are the resources available to them in your community? (name the groups or agencies and how they are a resource for your stakeholders)
o Identify three needs related to community mental health or community mental health promotion your stakeholder group has.
o What is the one need for your stakeholders you wish to concentrate on for your presentation, and how do you wish to be a resource to fill that need?
o Which group, agency or provider would you most likely work with if you were to actually to do your presentation? Why?
o Identify at least one (you may identify more if you wish) method, theory, practice or approach does the research say will work best for assisting or raising the awareness of this stakeholder group? (You will need to cite a minimum of three scholarly references)
o Can you use/apply this research to the creation of your presentation? How so or in what way can you use or apply the research?
€¢ Creative Process €“ Reflection
o Briefly described your creative process for creating your CMHPP€“ Here are some sample questions to help get you started on this part€¦How do you go about thinking up a promotional presentation? Where do you get your ideas/inspiration from? What are things you do or people you talk with or resources you use to create with?
o What are some questions you needed to ask in order to create this project?
o Where did you find your answers?
o Were their any particular emotional reactions to what you learned or saw in the process of researching and creating this project?
€¢ What you learned
o What specific theories, concepts or ideas are you applying from your text/course content to create your CMHPP
o What do you believe are the three most important elements to include in a successful community mental health promotion effort? Why are these the most important elements?
o What was the most challenging aspect of this project?
o How did you overcome this challenge?
o How might you use the experience of creating the CMHPP in your career or in another course?