Meet The Parents Film Analysis through Evring Goffman’s Key Concepts
May 10, 2020
May 10, 2020

Energy Losses in Pipes

Energy Losses in Pipes

Project description
I have a lab report that I need to submit in 4 days and I need your help. I have the lab instructions written in a file and I attached some pictures for the data and what we did in this experiment. The lab report must be individual work and not copied from another student’s reports or similar to it. The following questions must be answered for this lab report:


Experimental data:

€¢ Plot head loss versus flow rate for each experiment on a single chart. Differentiate between laminar and
turbulent flows on the plot.

o Describe the head loss profiles.

o Does the head loss for laminar flows differ from the head loss for turbulent flows? If so, why? If
not, why not?

€¢ Plot friction factor versus Reynolds number for the laminar flow. Fit a line to the curve. Does the
experimentally determined friction factor equation match theory? Why or why not?

€¢ Plot friction factor versus Reynolds number for the turbulent flow. Fit a line to the curve. Does the
experimentally determined friction factor equation match theory? Why or why not?

Computational data:

€¢ Plot friction factor versus Reynolds number for Studies 1 €“ 5. Fit a line to the curve. How does increasing
the diameter of the pipe effects velocity, head loss, and ultimately friction factor? Does the friction
factor equation match theory? Why or why not?

€¢ Show in a meaningful manner how changing fluid effects Reynolds number and head loss.
Does the computational model of the experimental set-up get similar results to that of the experiment? Why or
why not?