Wk2A1- Indigenous Regions
July 28, 2020
methods and models used in software development and how these methods compare with those used in manufacturing processes.
July 28, 2020

Emotion and sociology

please answer carefully from reading not opinion.Address one of the following options in 7-8 typed double-spaced pages (normal margins, Times 12 point font).
Somewhere at the top of the first page of your essay, CLEARLY STATE YOUR TOPIC.
For each option, it is EXTREMELY important that you deeply integrate course readings into
your discussion. R.C. Solomon, bell hooks, and Carol Gilligan are required for each topic. Also consider what could be gained by using variousother readings from the quarter (such as Lutz, Goleman, Hochschild, among others).
Creativity is strongly encouraged.
Skill matters. Pay attention to clarity, coherence, organization, and correctness of spelling/ grammar in writing. Use page numbers.Why is popular culture (past and present) dangerous to romantic love?
Where did our cultural ideas about love come from, and how do they stand in opposition to any real experience of love?
How do these ideas play out in our own experiences of romantic relationships?
In discussing the effect of our mythologies of love, you may use your own experiences in love,
or those of people you know, as evidence in your paper, but the bulk of material you use must
come in the form of an analytical use of course readings on love.
In the course of your essay, be sure to contrast the definitions of love that society in general
provides with the definitions of love provided by your various texts.
Use AT MINIMUM R.C. Solomon, Gilligan, and hooks.
2. How does social structure affect romantic love?
While love is a real emotion, like any other emotion, it exists and is played out within certain social structures, which make a difference inhow it is conducted and experienced. The culture in which we live is a patriarchal culture. It is characterized by systematic male dominance andmaintenance of control, certainly structural, yet also often personally enforced.
Considering course readings representations of what patriarchal culture consists of, how can love exist in a patriarchal culture?
How do dominance, power, and control, as exercised between humans, construct barriers to love, and how can we break free?
Consider both the possibilities for and experience of love.
Use AT MINIMUM R.C. Solomon, Gilligan, and hooks.3. What is the connection between love and work?
Kipnis (implicitly) maintains that, following Weber, members of our society are driven to rebel against work. And if you say that love takeswork, then (as RC Solomon and hooks do), you may also believe that there will be the urge to rebel against that work, individually andculturally, in this case through adultery.
What is the connection between love and work?
Deeply using readings, detail possible solutions.
Do these solutions require a restructuring of society?
Use AT MINIMUM Kipnis, R.C. Solomon, Gilligan, and hooks.