Eli gave you the following Web sites for additional information.

Research the various methods different companies use to gather
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Eli gave you the following Web sites for additional information.

Eli gave you the following Web sites for additional information. • http://www.hormelfoods.com/ â€¢ http://www.castleberrys.com/


• http://www.pinnaclefoodscorp.com/ Eli’s first assignment in his new position is to develop an advertising campaign for the entire line. The campaign would be produced starting in a few months, once information is gathered. The ads are scheduled to run on a pulsating schedule, with the first burst beginning soon after they are produced. Eli decided he needs more information before moving forward, and that is where you come in. He wants to know:


• More about the role price plays in purchasing decisions. • Consumers’ perceptions of the quality of the Dinty Moore line as compared to Armour and Castleberry’s. • He also would like information about consumer promotions, especially coupons and price-off programs. • He also wants to investigate possibilities for cooperative advertising with grocery stores, as well as tie-ins with other food products.


Eli wants to begin a new era in his company where Dinty Moore moves to the strongest position in the marketplace as the top-of-mind and top choice brand. Eli would like you to explore several issues for him and prepare a PowerPoint presentation with your findings that he can use with his team. Use bullet points and include notes with more details. Your PowerPoint should include a cover slide, at least 10 content slides, and a final slide with references. Below are the issues you should address in your presentation. 1. Should Eli hire an external advertising agency for the campaign,


or perform most of the tasks in-house? Why? 2. If an external agency is chosen, what relevant experiences would be most helpful to Eli and Dinty Moore? If most of the work should be performed in-house, what skills and experiences should DInty Moore have in-house? 3. What types of advertising planning and research should be conducted to identify Dinty Moore’s most loyal customers and potential new customers? 4. Design a creative brief for the upcoming Dinty Moore advertising campaign.
