Electronic Health Record (EHR)

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Electronic Health Record (EHR)

Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Course Project Milestone 3: Leadersh Development Plan Form
Purpose: The purpose of the Expenentl Leadership Plan Course Project 6 to further theapplication of leadership managerial aspects of the nursing profession through interactive discussionand participation with topic area experts. The purpose of Milestone 3, Leadership Development
Plan, is to Finalize your progress for attamrig your individual goals and report your mastery of thesegoals to date.
1. Please refer to the Milestone 3 guidehies inclusive of the grading rubric found in Doc Shamg forthe guidelines of this assignment.
2. Use the form below to complete your Leadership Development Plan.
3. Reflect on your mastery of each goaL Summarze what you have accorrhed to date; what didyou learn?
4. Identify any chalenges that you faced ii attempting to achieve your goals and document this iithe form. Describe the challenges ii detail, including who or what made this challenging. Was thereanythng you were not able to discover?
5. Explain the problem-solving technues you used to overcome any actual or potential problemsand challenges.
6. Describe what change you will make ii your behavior as a leader in the next month, based onyour experiences so far. How has the learning changed your behavior or attitude? If you were theleader/manager, what could you have done better?SMART Goal 1: Leadersh Development
Leadership development SMART goal.
Surrrnarize your acconIishment of this goal to date; what did you learn?
Identty any challenges that you faced n attempting to achieve your goals and document this inthe form. Describe the challenges n detail, including who or what made this challenging. Was thereanything you vere not able to discover?
Explar the problem-solvrig techniques you used to overcome any actual or potential problems andchalenges. Were there barriers In meetrig your learning outcomes?
Sumarize your accorrphment of this goal to date; what did you learn?
Identity any challenges that you faced r attempting to achieve your goa and document the inthe form. Describe the challenges ri detad. ricluding who or what made this challenging. Was thereanything you were not able to discover?
Explain the problem-sorg techniques you used to overcome any actual or potential problen andchalenges. Were there barriers in meetlig your learning outcomes?
Describe what change you will make ii your behavior as a leader in the next month based on yourexpenences so far. How has the learnrig changed your behavior or attitude? If you were theleader/manager, what could you have done better?
SMART Goal 2: Organational Planning
Organational planning SMART goal
Summarize your acconhment of this goal to date; what did you learn?
Identify any challenges that you faced ri attempting to achieve your goa and document this inthe form. Describe the challenges in detad, ricluding who or what made this challenging. Was thereanything you were not able to discover?
Explainthe problem-soMng techniques you used to overcome any actual or potential problerr andchalenges. Were there barriers in meetrig your learning outcomes?
Describe what change you will make n your behavior as a leader In the next month based on yourexpenences so far. How has the learnrig changed your behavior or attitude If you were theleader/manager, what could you have done better?