ELearning in 2015: the Sky is Not the Limit

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ELearning in 2015: the Sky is Not the Limit

With technologies booming and internet becoming the go-to source for almost everything, eLearning is hypothetically on the rise. As more and more experiments and surveys are conducted, the growth of eLearning in today’s world is becoming more apparent because it is convenient as well as effective, there is no question that it will keep on growing over the years even more dramatically.

Let’s discuss the five top trends that affect the growth of eLearning:

Big Data Study
Big Data seems to be the future of eLearning industry. Studies and infographics show that eLearning is becoming so massive that dealing with user generated data is proving to be an impossible task. Studying big data, however, can largely help eLearning. Through examining the behavior of learners, recording learning patterns, getting feedback from users, big data examination can ultimately help the online education industry…