Egypt and the Ottoman Empire

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September 30, 2020
related group of diseases/conditions
September 30, 2020

Egypt and the Ottoman Empire

Egypt and the Ottoman Empire

Type of Paper: PowerPoint Presentation
Subject: Humanity
Paper Instructions:
Create a PowerPoint presentation with 8-10 slides about Egypt and the Ottoman Empire. It should be created as if you were going to teach someone about the subject.

Very Important Qualities:

1. Your PowerPoint presentation should have a title.

2. Keep your design basic so that it is not distracting.

3. Consistently use the same font and size on slides.

4. Match colors and make sure to have contrast (light background=dark text; dark background = light text).

5. Use graphics wisely (not too many; not too little).

6. Avoid text overload. List or highlight/bold key points.

7. If you take information from a source, be sure that it is cited in the appropriate manner.