Effectiveness of Toastmasters in Enhancing Saudi Female Elementary-school Students’ Speaking Proficiency: Advantages and Drawbacks

: Warming Frozen Breast Milk
June 12, 2020
June 12, 2020

Effectiveness of Toastmasters in Enhancing Saudi Female Elementary-school Students’ Speaking Proficiency: Advantages and Drawbacks

Order Description

To accept what you have accomplished in this chapter, two things you need to do:
1- Merge all the subtitles you have under one title such as Effectiveness of Toastmasters in Enhancing Saudi Female Elementary-school Students’ Speaking Proficiency: Advantages and Drawbacks”.
2- I need a minimum of 15 reviewed empirical /research studies done in the field in relevance to the theme of your topic:
Each study may start with something like this : Hamdan (2016) conducted a study on integrating whatspps in teaching reading. The sample of the study were 200 students from public schools. The instrument was ……. The research main findings were…. And he recommended ……..

Another study done by Alshuaiby (2015) revealed that. The sample of the study were 100 students from private schools. The instrument was ……. The research main findings were…., and he recommended
Then you may add a long paragraph after reviewing the 15 studies, in which you explain how your study is relevant or irrelevant to the studies you reviewed.
I prefer to arrange the studies you reviewed in chronological order; starting from the most recent to the oldest i.e., 2016, 2015. 2011, 2005, 1999, etc.
note: This is just an explanation of what you should do in this chapter