Assignment 2: Campaign and Presentation (30% of Module)
Deadline: Wednesday March 25 2015
Learning Outcomes Take part in basic teamwork and assess your contribution.
Carry out peer appraisal.
Organise simple events; outline aims and ideas; plan ahead and explain/justify actions.
Speak confidently in public and give simple presentations
This is a group exercise based on a scenario
Task Working in teams, you will plan a PR event/campaign on behalf of a client and campaign of your choice. Using Fraser Seitels planning model which is discussed in class, you will produce a simple report, action plan and press release with supporting information for the event/campaign and then present your aims and ideas to your peers and tutors in a seminar on March 25 2015. Your peers will also assess your groups performance. You will not be allowed to do this exercise alone.To pass this module all assignments must be attempted and students who do not submit work may not be offered a referral. A minimum pass mark of 40% in all material used for assessment must be achieved in order to pass the module.The presentations will be recorded on camera for assessment and student learning.