Topic: Effective preventions and measures to eliminate ISIS/Daesh
Order Description
Policy Brief (Project):
I have been hired as a consultant or advisor and have been asked to provide/present a document that outlines the importance of choosing a particular policy alternative or course of action in a current policy debate. The policy brief should be 5 pages long (excluding bibliography, double-spaced, use 12-inch font).
My Topic: Effective preventions and measures to eliminate ISIS/Daesh.
There are three target audiences or actors from which you will have to pick one:
-The U.A.E. government or one particular emirate (predominately domestic/national security issues)
-The G.C.C. states annual summit (regional/international security issues)
-The U.N. General Assembly (international/transnational security issues)
My Target Audiences: The U.N. General Assembly.
There are obviously a multitude of security threats that have been preoccupying policy makers at various national, regional and international levels. My task is to highlight one specific security threat that I feel is of utmost importance and discuss specific policy recommendations that could help solve that particular problem.
Outline of what a policy brief should look like and what it needs to address:
1. Issue: Give a concise, one-sentence statement of the issue and the respective target audience you are addressing.
2. Background: This section should focus on the context and the importance of the issue. Provide a good overview of the root causes of the problem at hand. The aim is to convince the target audience that a current and urgent problem exists which requires them to take action.
3. Analysis: This section should summarize the policy options that exist and what has been done about the problem so far. You should discuss the pros and cons of the various policy options. Provide decision-makers with no more than three potential courses of action.
4. Recommendation: The aim of the policy recommendations element is to provide a convincing proposal of how certain current policy approaches need to be changed or modified. This section should address specific practical steps or measures that need to be implemented. Why are the recommendations you have suggested best suited to deal with this problem at hand?
5. Sources: List all sources with MLA formate. (must properly cite the source of all ideas, quotations, or empirical information that you use in your papers)
Important Note: No Plagiarism, the paper will be submitted through advanced online applications for checking any plagiarism.