SEE-I’s (50pts)
The SEE-I must be at least one typed page and comprised of 4 parts (please label each part):
(S) Statement: On the outline of the course, a prompt is listed for each reading assignment. Complete the statement as a full sentence. (1-3 sentences)
(E) Elaboration: The next few sentences offer reasons that support the answer given in the statement. Begin this section with the phrase "This is true because…" Especially helpful in this step are reasons outlined in the textbook. (5-7 sentences)
(E) Example: Following the explanation, the paper should provide an example that supports the statement and explanation. Examples should be vivid and provide enough detail that the audience can connect and understand. (5-7 sentences)
(I) Illustration: Finally, in some way, illustrate the principle discussed in the paper. This may be metaphorical/pictographic/etc. Regardless of the kind of illustration chosen, an explanation of how the illustration functions is necessary. (1-3 sentences)
A typed and printed SEE-I must be brought to class. If the SEE-I for the day is not completed, the student is not prepared to participate in the "in-class" work of the day and will be asked to leave until the assignment has been completed. Each SEE-I MUST INCLUDE CITATION FROM THE BOOK.
Textbook name: C. Hamilton. (2012). Essentials of Public Speaking, (5th ed.). Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.