The United States of America, being the largest and most influential country, require a highly capable individual who exhibits good leadership qualities for her presidency. The country has had some of the greatest men leading the country to democracy, leaders who made milestone decisions to transform the country. President Bill Clinton is among the great achievers who have redefined leadership today. Any aspiring leader has a lot to learn from Bill’s approach and conduct on leadership.
President Bill Clinton was a visionary, determined and focused leader. He knew what goals he wanted to achieve and set out the measures towards achieving them. It was during his presidency that the economy expanded and reported a federal reserve surplus. The president improved the American economy through structures and programs which he pushed for to make the economy better (Miller, 2012). Any aspiring good leader has the obligation of not only setting realistic goals, but also devise measures and strategies towards their achievement.
President Bill Clinton was full of charisma; he could convince even the staunchest of his critics and had a way with words. He was able to communicate effectively and clearly on what he wanted and how he wanted it done. It is in this that every good should be able to convince his subjects of what is good. He was able to build public confidence that should be a hallmark for any leader. When your subjects have confidence in you, convincing and directing them becomes easier.
Leadership in any context involves basic standard approaches. In any context of leadership, the leader has to set goals, devise the proper strategies of achieving them and supervise the progress. Failure to perform is most often blamed on the leaders, while success is attributed to them.
While leadership in different contexts appear similar, presidential leadership call for different personal attributes and skills. Presidency often involves engaging in foreign matters, such as world peace. The president is not an ordinary leadership position compared to leaders of organizations as president has to mind the people and satisfy the majority while at the time taking into consideration the effects of their decisions on their relations with other countries (Miller, 2012). Unlike leadership at organizational levels, the presidency involves taking into consideration public opinions to win its approval. Presidency often requires on to follow the majority and not merely impose one’s opinions. Hence, different personal attributes and skills are required to handle the different leadership environment competently.
Miller Center. (2012). American President: A Reference Resource. Retrieved April 2, 2014, from