Effective Business Communication Academic Essay

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Effective Business Communication Academic Essay


This assessment presents you with an opportunity to understand the conceptual, practical and strategic implications of what was learned about communication, how you communicate, and the relevance of communication within the workplace.

In this essay, you will reflect about what you have learned about communication during four of the weeks in this course. You may pick the weeks based upon your interest in the weekly topic. To successfully complete this assessment task you should answer the following reflective essay question: What did I learn from undertaking the course BUSN20017: Effective Business Communication? In answering this question, you should describe what you learned during each week based upon:

The lecture
The tutorial activities
One of the assigned journal articles
You should analyze and explain how these allowed you to better understand:
Your skills and how to improve them.

You should tie all your insights and observations together at the end of your paper through means of an application, highlighting how you think you will be able to use your learnings in your future career and in life generally.

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Posted on May 19, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions