Effect medication by age, The information presented in

Solution-Prevention to keep our heart and circulatory
April 24, 2020
Nutrition and specific health issues
April 25, 2020

Effect medication by age, The information presented in

The information presented in Problem seven are analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis and the models are shown here. In the models, the data are coded as 1= new treatment and 0= standard treatment, and age greater than 65 is coded as 1= yes and 0= no.

y = 53.85 – 23.54 (Treatment)

y = 45.31 – 19.88 (Treatment) + 14.64 (Age > 65)

y = 45.51 – 20.21 (Treatment) + 14.29 (Age > 65)
+ 0.75 (Treatment X Age > 65)

Patients < 65: y = 45.51 – 20.21 (Treatment)

Patients 65 + : y = 59.80 – 19.47 (Treatment)

Does it appear that there is effect medication by age? Justify your response using the preceding models.