Feel free to choose one based on the guidelines i pasted in the “paper requirements” section below
June 11, 2020
Negative/Bad News Messages
June 11, 2020

Educational platform

Educational platform

Order Description

Part 1 – Educational platform (1000 words)

Write about your Educational platform. This is a statement of your teaching philosophy that includes: your conception of teaching and learning a description of how you teach justification for why you teach that way.

The purpose of the Educational platform is to demonstrate your professionalism as a reflective and purposeful teacher. In it, you communicate your goals as a teacher and provide examples of what this looks like through your actions in the classroom.
You may present this in any form but it should be in a form that will allow it to be assessed and useful/ appropriate for you to use at future job interviews.
It should include an outline of your:
1) educational beliefs and values, the purpose of education for you and the learning goals for your students
2) your teaching approaches
3) your strategies for assessing students’ learning
4) how you evaluate and reflect on your teaching
5) your aims for your ongoing professional learning.
You may include any artefact that gives evidence of the above with a rationalisation for
why you have chosen this artefact, for example, a list of subject areas you have taught, a
sample lesson plan, teaching evaluations, letters of recommendation etc.

Part 2: Plan for your professional learning (600 words)
Identify two areas for your future professional learning. To do this, you will
a) Explain why you have selected each of these two areas.
– Make reference to how you have come to select these two areas.
– Identify how these areas connect to your composite professional experience reports that
reflect opportunities for ongoing professional learning, which have been identified by you
and/or your mentor teachers and/ or university academics. (300 words)
b) Identify your specific objectives in relation to this learning – what do you want this
learning to help you achieve? (200 words)
c) Comment on how this learning addresses your ongoing development as a teacher
professional according to teacher standards, as you move from Graduate to Proficient
teacher (150 words)
d) Identify how you will engage in this learning and the time frames that you envisage in
which this will occur. (150 words)

Part 3: Response to two key selection criteria (equivalent to 400)
1) Choose two criteria from a job advertisement for a teacher’s position in your context.
2) Respond to these criteria. In your response, make reference to your experience and
strengths against each criteria and demonstrate that you researched the school and
associated data in your response.
3) Each response should be no more than 400-500 words each.