history of latin america
May 9, 2020
May 9, 2020

economies of scale

Omega is a long-established ?rm which used to make many different kinds of leather goods. However, in 2012 it made a loss for the ?rst time in over 20 years. This was due to ?erce competition, mainly from the Far East. In response to this, it has slashed its product range to its best-selling and most pro?table items. It is hoping to bene?t from economies of scale and now plans to make only two types of document case: the Delta and the Alpha.


From the following information, using the pro formas provided, you are required to create a budget for the year ending 31 December 2013.(30 marks)

Sales forecast

Delta        Alpha

Number of cases sold        4,000        2,500

Selling price per case        £60        £55

Standard production data

Omega has only two production departments: Cutting and Stitching.

Unit costs:

Direct labour rates            Raw materials

Cutting            Stitching    Leather            Zip fasteners

£6.00/h            £7.00/h        £3.00/unit        £1.00/unit

Product content

Delta        Alpha

Leather                2 units        4 units

Zips                1 unit        2 units

Cutting deptlabour        2 hours        1.5 hours

Stitching deptlabour        1 hour        0.5 hour

Production overheads

Cutting Department            Stitching Department

Fixed        Variable        Fixed        Variable

£        £            £        £

Indirect labour        7,000        €“            3,000        €“

Indirect materials    €“        3,000            €“        9,000

Maintenance        2,000        1,000            500        500

Business rates        6,000        €“            1,000        €“

Depreciation        8,000        €“            2,000        €“

Electricity        1,000        2,000            500        1,000

24,000        6,000            7,000        10,500

Marketing overheads


Salaries            28,000

Advertising        24,000

Other            2,000


Administration overheads


Salaries            32,000

Telephone        5,000

Other            4,150


Stocks forecast

Raw materials                Completed cases

Leather        Zips            Delta        Alpha

(units)        (units)            (units)        (units)

ing stock        6,000        1,000            100        1,000

Closing stock        8,000        2,000            1,100        500

Debtors and creditors

Raw materials, labour, all overheads and debenture interest will be paid in full through the bank and cash accounts. Debtors and creditors at 31 December 2012 will pay and be paid during 2013. Debtors and creditors at 31 December 2013 are expected to be £25,000 and £10,000 respectively. One year’s interest on the debenture is paid during the year.

Fixed assets

There are no disposals expected during 2013 but some new equipment will be acquired, on cash terms, for £20,000 just before the end of 2013.

Expected balance sheet as at 31 December 2012

Cost        Depreciation provision        NBV

Fixed assets                £        £                £

Buildings                40,000        40,000                €“

Machinery                200,000    50,000                150,000

240,000    90,000                150,000

Current assets

Raw material stock            19,000

Finished goods stock            40,000

Total stock                        59,000

Debtors                        15,000

Bank and cash                        10,000


Less: Current liabilities

Creditors                         8,000

Net current assets                                    76,000


Less: Long-term liabilities

10% debenture 2021/22                                120,000


Financed by:

Shareholders’ capital                                    £

Ordinary shares                                    82,000

Retained profit                                        24,000


Pro formas

1.    Sales budget for y/e 31 December 2013

Units    Selling price    Revenue

£    £

Delta    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦..    €¦€¦€¦€¦.

Alpha    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦..    €¦€¦€¦€¦.

Budget revenue    €¦€¦€¦€¦.

2.    Production budget y/e 31 December 2013

Delta    Alpha

(units)    (units)

Planned sales     €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦

Desired closing stock finished goods    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦

Total required    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦

Less ing stock finished goods     €¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦

Budgeted production     €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦

3.    Direct materials usage budget y/e 31 December 2013


Material    Production    Usage    Material    Production    Usage

content        (units)    content        (units)

(units/case)            (units/case)

Leather    €¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦..    ..€¦.    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦

Zips    €¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦

Cost/unit    Total production    Cost of materials used

£        £

Leather    €¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦..    €¦€¦€¦..

Zips    €¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦

Budgeted material cost     €¦€¦€¦..

4.    Direct materials purchases budget y/e 31 December 2013

Leather    Zips

Desired closing stock     €¦€¦€¦ units    €¦€¦€¦ units

Units needed for production    €¦€¦€¦.. units    €¦€¦€¦ units

Total required    €¦€¦€¦.. units    €¦€¦€¦.. units

Less ing stock     €¦€¦€¦ units    €¦€¦€¦ units

Purchases needed     €¦€¦€¦.. units    €¦€¦€¦.. units

Cost per unit    £€¦€¦€¦€¦..    £..€¦..€¦..€¦..

Budgeted purchases cost    £€¦€¦€¦..€¦..    £€¦€¦€¦..€¦..

5.    Direct labour budget y/e 31 December 2013

Labour content    Cases    Total    Rate    Total

in product    produced    labour    per    labour

(hours)    (hours)    hour    cost

(£)        (£)

Cutting Dept.

Delta    €¦..    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦..    €¦€¦.     €¦€¦€¦..

Alpha    €¦..    €¦€¦€¦      €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦.     €¦€¦€¦..

Stitching Dept.

Delta    €¦..    €¦€¦€¦      €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦.      €¦€¦€¦..

Alpha    €¦..    €¦€¦€¦      €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦.        €¦€¦€¦

Budgeted labour hours and cost    €¦€¦€¦..        €¦€¦€¦€¦.

6.    Production overheads budget y/e 31 December 2013

Cutting Dept        Stitching Dept

(expected 13,000

direct labour hours)        (expected 6,000

direct labour hours)

Fixed    Variable    Fixed    Variable

costs    costs    costs    costs

£    £    £    £

Indirect labour      €¦€¦€¦    €¦..€¦..        €¦€¦€¦    €¦..

Indirect materials    €¦..€¦..        €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦.        €¦€¦€¦

Maintenance       €¦€¦€¦        €¦€¦€¦          €¦€¦..          .. €¦€¦

Business rates       €¦€¦€¦    €¦..€¦..        €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦.

Depreciation      €¦€¦€¦    €¦..€¦..        €¦€¦€¦    €¦..

Electricity      €¦€¦€¦        €¦€¦€¦          €¦€¦        €¦€¦€¦

Budgeted overhead costs    €¦€¦€¦..        €¦€¦€¦        €¦€¦€¦      €¦€¦€¦..

Overhead absorption rate

per direct labour hour    £€¦€¦€¦..    £€¦€¦€¦..    £€¦€¦€¦..    £€¦€¦€¦..

7.    Budgeted unit cost of manufacturing y/e 31 December 2013

Delta        Alpha

Unit cost    Units in    Cost    Units in    Cost

product        product

£        £        £

Leather    €¦€¦.    .€¦€¦    €¦€¦.    .€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦

Zips     €¦€¦.    .€¦€¦    €¦€¦.    €¦€¦.    €¦€¦.

Direct labour:

Cutting    €¦€¦.    ..€¦..    €¦€¦€¦    ..€¦€¦..    €¦€¦.

Stitching    €¦€¦.    .€¦€¦    €¦€¦.    .€¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦.

Production overheads:

Cutting: fixed     €¦€¦€¦..    ..€¦..    €¦€¦€¦..    €¦..€¦..    €¦€¦€¦..

variable    €¦€¦€¦..    .. €¦..     €¦€¦€¦..    €¦.. €¦..     €¦€¦€¦..

Stitching: fixed    €¦€¦€¦..    .. €¦..     €¦€¦€¦..    €¦.. €¦..     €¦€¦€¦..

variable    €¦€¦€¦..    .. €¦..     €¦€¦€¦..    €¦.. €¦..     €¦€¦€¦..

Standard cost of product     €¦€¦€¦€¦.        €¦€¦€¦€¦.

8.    Closing stock budget at 31 December 2013

Units    Unit cost    Total cost

£    £    £

Direct materials:

Leather    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦.    €¦€¦€¦..

Zips    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦.    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦..

Finished products:

Delta    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦€¦.    €¦€¦€¦..

Alpha    €¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦€¦.    €¦€¦€¦..    €¦€¦€¦..

Budgeted closing stock        €¦€¦€¦..

9.    Cost of sales budget y/e 31 December 2013

£    £

Direct materials usage (3)    €¦€¦€¦..

Direct labour (5)    €¦€¦€¦€¦.

Production overheads (6)    €¦€¦€¦..    €¦€¦€¦€¦.

Add: ing stock finished products        €¦€¦€¦..

Less: Closing stock finished products        €¦€¦€¦..

Budgeted cost of sales         €¦€¦€¦€¦.

10.    Marketing and administration expenses budget y/e 31 December 2013

£    £

Marketing expenses:

Salaries    €¦€¦€¦..

Advertising    €¦€¦€¦..

Other    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦..

Administrative expenses:

Salaries     €¦€¦€¦..

Telephone    €¦€¦€¦

Other    €¦€¦€¦    €¦€¦€¦..

Budgeted selling and administrative expenses        €¦€¦€¦..

11.    Budgeted profit statement y/e 31 December 2013


Sales (1)     €¦€¦€¦€¦.

Less: Cost of sales (9)    €¦€¦€¦€¦.

Gross profit     €¦€¦€¦€¦.

Less: Marketing and admin. expenses (10)    €¦€¦€¦..

Budgeted net profit    €¦€¦€¦..

Less: Debenture interest    €¦€¦€¦..

Profit after interest    €¦€¦€¦..

12.    Cash budget y/e 31 December 2013 (Summary form)

£    £

ing cash balance         €¦€¦€¦..

Add receipts        €¦€¦€¦€¦.

Total cash available         €¦€¦€¦€¦.

Less payments:

Purchases    €¦€¦€¦..

Direct labour (5)     €¦€¦€¦€¦.

Factory overheads

Less depreciation (6)     €¦€¦€¦..

Marketing and admin. expenses (10)     €¦€¦€¦..

Debenture interest    €¦€¦€¦..

Fixed asset purchases     €¦€¦€¦..


Budgeted closing cash balance        €¦€¦€¦..

13.    Budgeted balance sheet of Omega Manufacturing as at 31 December 2013

£    £    £

Fixed assets

Cost    Depreciation Provision    NBV

Buildings        €¦€¦€¦..    €¦€¦€¦..    €¦€¦€¦..

Machinery        €¦€¦€¦€¦.    €¦€¦€¦..    €¦€¦€¦€¦.

€¦€¦€¦€¦.    €¦€¦€¦€¦.    €¦€¦€¦€¦.

Current assets


Finished goods        €¦€¦€¦..

Raw materials         €¦€¦€¦..    €¦€¦€¦..

Debtors             €¦€¦€¦..

Bank & cash            €¦€¦€¦..


Less current liabilities

Creditors             €¦€¦€¦..

Net current assets                €¦€¦€¦€¦.


Less long-term liabilities

€¦.% debenture €¦€¦../€¦.                €¦€¦€¦€¦.


Financed by:

Shareholders’ capital

Ordinary shares                €¦€¦€¦..

Retained profits             €¦€¦€¦..
