Economic Ideologies Response Paper

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September 20, 2020

Economic Ideologies Response Paper

Economic Ideologies Response Paper

Order Description
Some pundits, academics, and politicians often talk about the “unintended consequences” of global capitalism. Others argue that there is nothing unintended about capitalism’s consequences – that those in power are fully aware of the potential results, including financial crises like the one that shook the global economy in 2008 and continues to plague people’s of all nations (Naomi Klein makes such an argument).

In a succinct, clearly written, three-page double-spaced essay that uses multiple historical examples from not only Klein, and Fulcher but from other readings, lecture notes, and discussion notes, answer the following question:

Why has the capitalism/socialism debate been so divisive? Include in your essay the concept of unintended vs. intended consequences.

You will use footnotes and provide a bibliograpy. You will use Chicago Manual of Style for citations.