Does Europe possess shared political and cultural identity?
June 19, 2020
Management Essay Write an essay using APA formatting typed and double-spaced using 11 or 12 point Times New Roman font.
June 19, 2020



Order Description

c. The third assignment should be presented as a Journal opinion article and address an economic issue of current interest to Wall Street Journal readers. Minimum length is 400 words and maximum length is 600 words. Footnotes, titles and other extraneous material are not counted when determining the length of the paper. This paper is worth 100 points.

2. Each paper should be submitted as a Word file. Do not submit in odt or other formats because the papers are checked by and this program will not read these formats. Use 12 pt. type (Times New Roman font) in Normal style with 1.25 inch right and left margins and 1 inch top and bottom margins. Double space the paper and left justify.

3. Plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the course. You may not copy any work by anyone else or have anyone else write the paper for you. You may not submit work that you did for other courses. The originality score given by is used to monitor plagiarism but other information may be used to determine whether or not the paper is the original work of the student who has submitted it.
1) Organizational structure ? 25 points. Is the paper logically organized? Are ideas cogently presented and explained? Is the writing convincing? Does the writing sustain interest?

2) Writing style ? 25 points. Is the writing original and provocative? Does the paper have a professional tone? Does the paper satisfy the requirements in the syllabus?

3) Analysis ? 25 points. Does the paper take and support a position? Is the analysis reasonable?

4) Grammar, punctuation, spelling and syntax ? 25 points. Is the writing grammatically correct? Are words spelled correctly? Is word choice correct for the context of the sentence?