selection procedure
August 3, 2020
Arguably, both Walter Benjamin and Susan Stewart see some positive potential within mass culture for a creative, self-productive, even liberatory rela
August 3, 2020

Early intervention

write a research-based paper on the benefits of early intervention for infants and toddlers at-risk for or experiencing developmental delays. You might select benefits of EI for children (birth to age 3) with Down syndrome, autism, medically fragile, DD, at-risk, or visual impairments (etc.) and their families. In the paper, the candidate must introduce the topic, discuss P.L. 108-446, Part C; discuss how infants, toddlers, and their families have benefit from the EI services (supported by research articles); and summarize the topic. Candidates may discuss any other issues they believe are relevant to the topic. Therefore, paper headings must include (but are not limited to the following) introduction of topic, Part C of IDEA (relevance to topic), brief history of early intervention, and the benefits of EI for infants and toddlers at-risk for or experiencing developmental delays and their families (this section must be supported by research), and a conclusion or summary statement. When discussing the research according to the discuss the following: purpose, findings, limitations and