Earl and Judy Green live in a small town in Garrett County, Maryland. Their home is situated in a beautiful, well-maintained and quiet sub-division ca

Biology of Energy Homeostasis
September 9, 2020
Statistics in Behavior Sciences
September 9, 2020

Earl and Judy Green live in a small town in Garrett County, Maryland. Their home is situated in a beautiful, well-maintained and quiet sub-division ca

Earl and Judy Green live in a small town in Garrett County, Maryland. Their home is situated in a beautiful, well-maintained and quiet sub-division called Bluebird. They purchased the home in 1989. The sub-division sits atop a portion of the Marcellus
Shale fields. The Marcellus shale formation that spans five states, Western Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and New York is a boon for the oil and gas industry, that extracts natural gas from the shale, using hydraulic fracturing. A process now commonly referred to as fracking. There are concerns amongst communities activity, noise, and increased traffic potentially associated with the fracking practice.
There are two fracking wells approximately 350 ft from Earl and Judy”s home and the city park, situated directly across from their home. The wells were originally drilled in the mid-1990s, but still in production to this day. In 2011, anticipating an increase in apolications for drilling permits, the State of mARYLAND IMPOSED A MORATORIUM ON ISSUING NEW PERMITS FOR HUDRAULIC FRACTURING UNTIL AN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH STUDY WAS CONCLUDED. tHE STUDY HAS NOT YET CONCLUDED IN 2014.

Both Earl and Judy have had health issues that have slowly developed since the time the well sites were established. Judy now has asthma and Earl has frequent headaches. The road leading out o the field in which the well is located is adjacent to their home. The well is serviced at any point in the day, frequently in the middle of the night, with large diesel trucks entering in and out of the site. Large lights shine on the production site and into the Green”s bedroom window.
The subdivision has a neighborhood Goo
gle Group email listerv. Other neighbors have complained about the noise and light associated with maintenance of the well site, as well as potential health issues as well.
Earl and Judy have come to the law office for which you work to obtain an initial consultation wanting to know if they can bring a public nuisance claim to stop production of the wells in their neighborhood. Your supervising attorney asks you to conduct research to find case law on the issue. In particular, he wants to know if the Greens” would even have standing to bring a public nuisance claim.

Legal issue:
State a clear and concise legal issue statement, which describes the primary legal issue you”ve been asked to research. Your legal issue statement ought to be in the form of a question that can be answered yes or not.

Case 1- Must use at least one secondary sources to find this case.
1. Bluebook Citation, 2.Relevant legal issue in this case and the court”s conclusion on that issue. 3. Facts that influenced the conclusion. 4. Legal reasons for the conclusion. 5. Why you decided this case was directly relevant to your research situation and issue. 6. A thorough, detailed description of your research method using one of the methods reference above.
Case 2-Must use Key Cite to find this case
1. Bluebook Citation. 2.Relevant legal issue in this case and the court”s conclusion on that issue. 3. Facts that influenced the conclusion. 4.Legal reasons for the conclusion. 5. Why you decided this case was directly relevant to your research situation and issue. 6. A thorough, detailed description of your research method using one of the methods reference above.
Case 3. Must use digests, key searching, or headnotes to find this case.
1. Bluebook Citation, 2.Relevant legal issue in this case and the court”s conclusion on that issue. 3. Facts that influenced the onclusion. 4. Legal reasons for the conslusion. 5. Why you decided this case was directly relevant to your research situation and issue. 6. A thorough, detailed description of your research method using one of the methods reference above.
Case 4-May use any method to find this case.
1. Bluebook Citation
2. Relevant legal issue in this case and the court”s conclusion on this issue
3. Facts that influenced the conclusion
4. Legal reasons for the conslusion
5. Why you decided this case was directly relevant to your research situation and issue.
6.A thorough, detailed description of your research method using one of the methods reference above.